出版社:Eduem - Editora da Universidade Estadual de Maringá
摘要:The present article proposes the analysis, beginning from the second Industrial Revolution, of the changes in the working processes, especially in management models, which affected relationships and therefore social relations. From these relationships, it seeks to clarify and to infer the emergence of entrepreneurship in the present. The genesis of this new acting model, praised by the market, is believed to be derived from scientific management practices, revisited here based of the writings of H. Braverman. Flexible management presents, among other practices, the outsourcing of part of its activities, by adopting the Lean Production. Thus, under the orientation of authors such as F. Chesnais and D. Harvey, it can be evidenced that, initially, there was a strong interest from the capital in discouraging autonomous/independent activity, classifying it as insecure and precarious. Nowadays, the discourse is reversed, i.e. entrepreneurship is seen as a solution for the lack of job posts and market competitiveness, due to the decrease in the high costs generated by labor legislation.