出版社:SISSA, Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati
摘要:We construct a generic mass model of a disk galaxy by combining two mass components, an
exponential thin stellar disk and a pseudo-isothermal dark halo. We construct its generic rotation
curve, with two free parameters linked to its shape and one to its amplitude, namely the halo core
radius, the fractional amount of Dark Matter and the total mass at one disk scale lenght.
We conduct a statystical analysis of the tting procedure performed with the model on a family
of rotation curves, and we conclude that an observed rotation curve fullling well dened quality
requirements can be uniquely and properly decomposed in its dark and luminous components;
through a suitable mass modelling together with a maximum-likelihood tting method, in fact,
the disentangling of the mass components is accomplished with a very high resolution.