出版社:SISSA, Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati
摘要:We measured the bias and correlation factor of galaxies with respect to the dark matter using the
aperture statistics including the aperture mass from weak gravitational lensing. The analysis was
performed for three galaxy samples selected by R-band magnitudes; the median redshifts of the
samples were
=0.34,0.49 and 0.65, respectively. The brightest sample has the strongest peak
in redshift and can therefore be most accurately represented by a single redshift. The data used is
the GaBoDS, and the COMBO-17 survey for an accurate estimate of the redshift distribution of
the galaxies. Assuming the currently favoured LCDM model as cosmology, we obtained values
for the linear stochastic galaxy-dark matter bias on angular scales 10 · q · 200. At 100, the
median redshifts of the samples correspond to a typical physical scale of 0.90,1.25,1.56 Mpc/h
with h = 0.7, respectively.
Over the investigated range of physical scales the bias factor b stays almost constant, possibly
rising on the smallest scales. Here the errors are largest, however. Averaging the measurements
for the bias over the range 40 · qap · 180, weighting with the cosmic variance error, yields b =
0.89(5),0.79(5),0.89(5), respectively (1s). Galaxies are thus less clustered than the total matter
on that particular range of scales (anti-biased). This is what also has been observed by Hoekstra
et al. (2002), albeit that their increasing trend towards a larger bias factor on larger scales is not
visible in our analysis. As for the correlation factor r we see, as Hoekstra et al., a slight increase to
r =1 in the last angular bin from an almost constant value on smaller scales; the weighted average
here over the same range as before is r = 0.8(1),0.8(1),0.5(1), respectively. Therefore, on these
scales we find a degree of stochasticity or/and nonlinearity in the relation between dark matter
and galaxy density. Within the measurement uncertainties and over the redshift range represented
by our galaxy samples we do not see an evolution with redshift of the bias.