摘要:For many persons the prototypical successful academic person is male. In three
studies, the effects of this belief on types of solutions to a thinking task
will be shown. In Study 1 (N=144), it is demonstrated that people have major
difficulties finding a solution that refutes this belief. In Study 2 (N=21),
which uses an equivalent formulation of the thinking problem whose solution
corresponds to the male‑associated successful academic person, the level of
difficulty sinks dramatically. Participants from Study 3 (N=200), who were
primed with a story of either an academically successful woman or man before
receiving the thinking task were female and male university students from
Germany and Israel in a counterbalanced design. The results show that a
successful solution requires a restructuring of the thinking task that is based
on the availability and accessibility of alternatives. In the discussion, the
effects of the male‑dominant interpretation of an academically successful person
on Israeli and German women and men will be dealt with and starting points for
change will be discussed.
关键词:thinking task – gender stereotypes – priming – cross-cultural study