出版社:SISSA, Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati
摘要:Ultrarelativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions are investigated with the goal to study the properties
of strongly interacting matter under extreme conditions of high energy density. Hadron multiplicities
can provide information on the nature of the medium from which they are originating. The
Statistical Model was recognised as a powerful approach to describe particle yields established at
chemical decoupling. In general, this model assumes that at freeze-out the collision fireball appears
as a statistical system in thermal and chemical equilibrium. The ensembles are constrained
by charge conservation laws.
The Statistical Model has to be formulated in the canonical ensemble with respect to strangeness
conservation if the number of strange particles becomes small. However, the canonical suppression
under the assumption of strangeness chemical equilibrium in the whole fireball volume was
found to be not sufficient to reproduce observed yields. Two approaches have been proposed
to modify the model. First, a non-equilibrium factor gS was introduced in canonical and grandcanonical
ensembles as the additional fit parameter to account for the suppressed strange particle
phase-space. Here we focus on the second method: The model is extended by correlation volumes
which restrict the strangeness chemical equilibrium only to certain subvolumes of the system.
In this work we report on the analysis of experimental data on particle production from p+p and
central C+C, Si+Si and Pb+Pb collisions at the top SPS energy within the Statistical Model. The
abundances of strange particles, in particular in the small systems, are found to be below the expectation
of the Statistical Model formulated in the canonical ensemble. Therefore, we introduce
strangeness equilibrated subvolumes. The canonical strangeness suppression in these correlated
clusters accounts successfully for the smaller production of strange particles. The system size
dependence of the correlation volume and of the thermal parameters are presented.