摘要:Marriage rates are at their
lowest in the past century, but divorce
is less likely today than it was 30 years
ago. Even though the divorce rate
was rising in the 1970s, the number
of children involved in each divorce
has been falling since the late 1960s.
Fertility and pregnancy control made
possible by “the pill” and legalized
abortion may help to explain both
the recent decline in divorces and a
rise in out-of-wedlock births. These
are among the intriguing and often
unexpected trends documented in
Marriage and Divorce: Changes
and Driving Forces (NBER
Working Paper No. 12944) in which
authors Betsey Stevenson and Justin
Wolfers find that it’s time to reassess
our views of “the American family”
given the relatively new and still
evolving conditions that now determine
whether people marry, stay single,
or break-up.