摘要:The main objective of this study was to better understand the spatial structure of the rain in Araguari city,located at ‘Minas Gerais’ State to give support to an analysis of the spatial structure of rain. The pluviometricrecords were obtained from a pluviometers system (model ‘Ville de Paris’), installed in many locations atAraguari city from 2001 to 2005. The pluviometers system was statistically installed based on themethodology for a rhythmics analysis. The rainy season were selected and the representative episodes ofsuccessive and intense rain on those seasons were observed. In respect to the spatial structure, it wasseem that the all Northwest-North-Northeast region was superior regarding to the highest pluviometricrecords at the all city related to the dynamics front as explained above. However, it was not observed aclear and easily detected pattern of rain distribution on the rainy season studied due to the many anddifferent trajectories.
关键词:Araguari city ; rain ; spatial structure ; pluviometric net ; rhythmics analysis