摘要:Technological quality of grain and flour of milling mixtures ‘Omega’ + ’Igna’ +
’Henika’ and ‘Omega’ + ’Igna’ + ’Banti’, made of three varieties of grain mixed
in equal proportion were compared to quality of wheat which was cultivated in
mixtures of the same varieties. Before sowing those varieties were compiled in
equal proportion. ‘Omega’ and ‘Igna’ are varieties susceptible to infestation by
fungi unlike ‘Henika’ and ‘Banti’ varieties. Wheat was cultivated with or
without fungicide protection. Hectolitre weight, content of low molecular
SDS-soluble protein and number of insoluble protein in flour were more
profitable for mixtures made of pure stands than variety mixtures. As far as
vitreousness of grain, milling properties of grain, content of protein in grain
and SDS + ME-soluble protein are concerned the quality of variety mixtures was
higher for the variety mixture in comparison with mixtures made of pure stands.
Fungicide protection in the cultivation of pure varieties and varieties mixtures
increased value of hectolitre weight and filling and uniformity of grain.