摘要:The implementation of training programs often requires a complex design if
effectiveness is to be accurately evaluated. Part of the difficulty lies in the
fact that trainees must be presented with a series of ever-changing tasks in
order to avoid biases due to learning or carryover effects. The aim of the
present study is to experiment and illustrate a simple procedure, based on a
special case of the linear logistic test model (LLTM), used to evaluate the
effectiveness of a training program. The procedure is empirically applied to a
dataset derived from a moped riding skills training program. The sample is
composed of 207 high school students who took part in three training sessions
using a riding simulator. A different task presentation order was assigned to
each subject and the whole design was completely balanced. The procedure applied
allowed us to obtain estimates of the overall change in ability that occurred
over the course of the training process. Furthermore, we were able to obtain
estimates of item and subject parameters unbiased by the influence of change in
ability due to training. Implications of the results are discussed and
suggestions for future research are presented.
关键词:Measuring change, Linear Logistic Test Model (LLTM), Multi-Facet Rasch model,
Training effectiveness