出版社:SISSA, Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati
摘要:The evolution of primordial stars of initial masses between 5 and 10 M⊙ has been computed
and analyzed in order to determine the nature of the remnants of massive intermediate–mass
primordial stars and to check the influence of overshooting in their evolution. We have obtained
the values for the limiting masses of Population III progenitor stars leading to carbon–oxygen
and oxygen–neon compact cores. We have also obtained the limiting mass for which isolated
primordial stars would lead to core–collapse supernovae after the end of the main central burning
phases. Considering a moderate amount of overshooting, the mass thresholds at the ZAMS for the
formation of carbon–oxygen and oxygen–neon degenerate cores shift to smaller values by about
2 M⊙. As a by–product of our calculations, we have also obtained the structure and composition
profiles of the resulting compact remnants. We find that the final fate of the considered stars could
not be to become white dwarfs, as it is the case of objects of larger metallicity of analogous initial
masses. Instead, as we show by means of a synthetic code, they might end their lives as SNI1/2.