摘要:The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the
tobacco smoke exposure (assessed by questionnaire) and the urinary total
nicotine metabolites in teenagers using an accessible and rapid method and,
also, to validate is method using the questionnaire in relation with nicotine
metabolites levels measurements. Material and methods. A sample of 296 young aged 15-20 years
was randomly selected from three high schools. An adequate questionnaire for
assessing their smoking status was used and urine specimens were sampled for
measurement of total nicotine metabolites and creatinine levels. Adequate
analytical techniques were applied for accurate comparison of the two methods
for tobacco smoke exposure assessment in
teenagers. Results. A smoker frequency of 40% among the
investigated teenagers was self-reported, ranging from 38% in the
subjects aged 15-17 years to 50% in those aged 19-20 years. Only 22% of them
were self-reported unexposed and nonsmokers and 37.6 % - passive smokers. An
increasing trend was found for the urinary cotinine levels according to the
duration of exposure through smoking only for those teenagers self-reported to
smoke daily 5-10 cigarettes. An increasing trend was established for cotinine
levels according with the smoking intensity of the subjects, with statistical
significant differences between different smoker categories. The urinary
thiocyanate levels did not correlate with the smoking intensity. The validation
of self-reported smoker status (assessed by questionnaire) in comparison with
the urinary cotinine levels has indicated a sensitivity of 0.92 and a
specificity of 0.49. Conclusions.
The findings of our study have highlighted a linear positive
correlation between the urinary cotinine levels and the number of cigarettes
smoked daily and, partially, with the duration of smoking exposure of teenagers.
The urinary cotinine level, as exposure bioindicator, was proved to be a useful
tool for measurement of organism impregnation, as smoking consequence. The
techniques of validation by the help of questionnaire have indicated that is a
sensitive but less specific method for exposure assessment in the comparison
with the major urinary nicotine metabolite measurement.