期刊名称:International Journal of Computer, Information, and Systems Science, and Engineering
出版社:World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
摘要:In this paper, the effects of the restoring force device
on the response of a space frame structure resting on sliding type of
bearing with a restoring force device is studied. The NS component
of the El - Centro earthquake and harmonic ground acceleration is
considered for earthquake excitation. The structure is modeled by
considering six-degrees of freedom (three translations and three
rotations) at each node. The sliding support is modeled as a fictitious
spring with two horizontal degrees of freedom. The response
quantities considered for the study are the top floor acceleration, base
shear, bending moment and base displacement. It is concluded from
the study that the displacement of the structure reduces by the use of
the restoring force device. Also, the peak values of acceleration,
bending moment and base shear also decreases. The simulation
results show the effectiveness of the developed and proposed
关键词:DOF, Space structures, Acceleration, Excitation,
Smart structure, Vibration, Isolation, Earthquakes.