The magnitude and
variation in DOC fluxes in bulk deposition (BD), stand throughfall (TF) and
percolation water (PW) were determined on seven Scots pine and five Norway
spruce plots in Finland during 1998–2004. Water fluxes for PW were calculated
using an anion budget method. The relationships between the DOC fluxes and
climatic and stand parameters were also investigated. The mean DOC flux in TF
varied between 2 and 6 g C m–2 a–1 and between 3 and 8 g C
m–2 a–1 on the pine and spruce plots, respectively. The
output flux of DOC in PW at the 40-cm depth varied between 1 and 10 g C
m–2 a–1 on all the plots. The DOC fluxes in TF and net TF
correlated positively with the effective temperature sum and growing season
length on the pine and spruce plots, i.e. the highest DOC fluxes were recorded
in southern Finland and the fluxes decreased towards the north. The TF and net
TF DOC fluxes correlated positively with the amount of precipitation on the pine
plots, and the net TF DOC fluxes with the stem volume on the spruce