Podzol horizons (O,
E, B1, B2 and C) from three undisturbed sites were analyzed for phosphorus (P)
sorption, P saturation, P fractions, and P concentrations in soil solutions, and
three disturbed Podzols for P in soil solution. The threshold concentrations for
net sorption were 8000 µg l–1 and 700 µg l–1 for the O and
E horizons, respectively, and 3–6 µg l–1 for the B1, B2 and C
horizons. Consequently, if water percolates through the B horizon the risk of P
leaching is low. Phosphorus saturation degree was 0.2%–25%. Fe-P dominated in
the O, E, B1 and B2 horizons, and Ca-P in the C horizon. P was depleted from the
E horizon (24 µg g–1) and enriched in the B1 and B2 horizons (500 and
250 µg g–1) as compared with that in the C horizon (160 µg
g–1). P in soil solution increased in the topmost 3 cm of the
disturbed B horizons.