摘要:Editors’ note: In December 2005, Garth Graham wrote the following “Comment” to accompany an article in our “Notes
from the Field” by Andy Williamson (A Review of New Zealand’s Digital Strategy. The Journal of Community
Informatics, (2005) Vol. 2, Issue 1, pp. 71-75. http://ci-journal.net/index.php/ciej/article/view/263/221). In the midst of
the software upgrade, it was lost until recently. When we asked Garth if he still wanted to publish it, with or without an
update, he said:
“I still like it as a "community networking perspective" on such strategies. I was predicting what would be
areas of difficulty for the strategy's implementation related to it's stated "community" intentions. Obviously,
this was "in theory," since I've no idea what it feels like to be a New Zealander! I’ve had no involvement in
New Zealand’s two years of implementation experience, and it would take that to understand how the
questions I raised are playing out. However, I notice from the NZ Strategy web site, that members of the
ciresearchers list are actually members of the Strategy's National Advisory Board. Why not ask them?”