摘要:In a laboratory study with eight botanicals against the coffee berry borer, Hypothenemus hampei (F.) showed
that neem oil (3%) was superior (78.67%) to others in bringing about berry borer mortality, followed by TNAU NO
60 EC A 3%, TNAU NO 60 EC (3%) and NSKE 5%. In the field studies, NSKE 5% was superior to others
botanicals and was followed by TNAU NO 60 EC A 3%, TNAU NO 60 EC C 3% and neem oil 3%. It was concluded
that the variation noticed in effectiveness of the botanicals in the laboratory and field experiments may be due to
the rate of photodegradation.
关键词:Botanicals, neem oil, neem kernel extract, coffee berry borer, Hypothenemus hampei