摘要:The Hardy-Weinberg principle is
one of the most difficult topics
in evolution for many teachers and
students (Mertens, 1992). They may
feel threatened by mathematics and
the quantitative aspects of population
genetics, and may be unable to apply
the principle to make sense of evolutionary
phenomena. Many of them
wonder about the relevance of the
Hardy-Weinberg principle to understanding
evolution. To help Mrs
Karnika and other teachers who face
the same difficulties, I would like to
introduce the Counting Buttons
activity. This is a simple demonstration
of the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
and how natural selection affects
the allele frequency of a population.
This activity is appropriate for highschool
and university students studying
evolution. The activity was originally
developed by staff in the
Department of Genetics at Kasetsart
University in Thailand and later modified,
as part of a PhD project, for use
with high-school students.