摘要:A sea level rise 20 m higher than present
implies disintegration of the Greenland
and West Antarctic Ice Sheets and a signifi -
cant draw down of East Antarctica; as such
an increase in ocean volume cannot be attributed
to thermal expansion alone. This
brief crest of sea level at +20 m occurred
around 400 kyr ago during MIS 11, which
is one of the Pleistocene interglacials over
the past million years that closely resembles
our own MIS 1 interglacial, based on
orbital parameters modulating Northern
Hemisphere insolation. Could aspects of
the sea level and climatic shifts of 400 kyr
pertain to the future of MIS 1? Could anthropogenic
spiking of atmospheric CO2
to Cretaceous levels amplify the course of
events to even greater extremes than in
MIS 11? Given such cataclysmic prospects,
it is critical to document as accurately as
possible all aspects of this middle Pleistocene
(mP) sea level event. The record
of a +20 ± 2 m highstand is preserved as
geomorphic and geologic imprints along
coastlines of the world’s oceans. The tangible
and datable rocks are the most accurate
and reliable scientifi c means of quantifying
ocean and ice-volume changes.
This record of sea-level changes does not
require validation by the iterative and circumstantial
data off ered by proxy methods,
although such an approach may be
instrumental in providing corroboration.