The purpose of this study was the investigation of the relationship between the rate of trust and
collaboration of teachers in the high schools of Sari city in 2006-2007. The method of the study was
descriptive-correlation. All of the principals and teachers of Sari governmental high schools were considered
as population of this research. The sample included 44 principals and 306 teachers were selected by using
Kerejcie and Morgan's table. The research instruments were two questionnaires which targeted trust and
collaboration: As for the validity of the instruments, Cronbach-Alpha coefficients were calculated 0.869 for
the trust and 0.904 for collaboration questionnaires respectively. The scores obtained from both
questionnaires were subjected to a number of descriptive and inferential statistics. Results of research
showed that: 1) There is a significant relationship between the teachers trust in the principals and teachers
collaboration in the school (r = 0.33, p>0.05) 0.2) There is a significant relationship between the principals
trust in the teachers and teachers collaboration in the school (r = 0.54, p>0.05) 0.3) There is a significant
relationship between the teachers trust in the teachers and collaboration of teachers with their colleagues in
the school (r = 0.30, p>0.05) 0.4) There is differences between the trust of teachers with principals based on
sexes (t = 1.984, p<0.05) 0.5) There isn't differences between the collaboration of teachers with principals
based on sexes (t = 1.241, p<0.05). Comparison of means showed that teachers’ trusts in the principal between
females were more than males.