期刊名称:Dinbilimleri Akademik Arastirma Dergisi = Journal of Academic Research in Religious Sciences
出版社:OMÜ İlahiyat Fakültesi
摘要:THE REBELLĠON BY EBU REKVE TO EL-HÂKĠM, THE FATIMĠ CALĠPH, AND DÂRU'L-HĠKME AS A FĠGURE OF COMPETĠTĠON BETWEEN ABBASĠDS AND FATIMĠDS One of the important events in period of Al-Hakim Biemrillah who had strange character among Fatimi Caliphs was the rebellion which had Sunni feature. Sunni Muslims suffered from the strange applications of Al-Hakim, by giving support to the rebellion started by Abû Rekve, got it to a position that would be threat for the capital. In this study the subjects have been examined like the target of Daru‟l-Hikme‟s establishment and the form of its operation, its scope and the field of its influence.