期刊名称:Dinbilimleri Akademik Arastirma Dergisi = Journal of Academic Research in Religious Sciences
出版社:OMÜ İlahiyat Fakültesi
摘要:THE SİEGES OF DİMYAT BY CRUSADERS AND THE DEFENSES BY AYYUBİDS In İslamic History, Egypt always took an important place in the relations between East and West. Because of its geographical location, Egypt, is a key to The Middle East, turned into a military landing for the Crusaders for their military operations following the second half of 12th century. As result of menacing of territories at the eastern cost of the Mediterranean, the Crusaders decided to regain their once powerful position against the Muslims and to secure their lands by performing a different method. Therefore by attacking to Egypt, they planned to control the country and to protect their lands in Palestine threatened from north by Nureddin Mahmud. On the other hand after Ayyubids occupied Egypt, they started Dimyat sieges by noting their sovereignty in the territory under threat and by expecting to gain important victories in Syria and Egypt. The sieges of Dimyat, which is the city of Egypt, in the years of 1169, 1218 and 1248 were eliminated as result of the fights realised by Ayyubids.