出版社:Eduem - Editora da Universidade Estadual de Maringá
摘要:The article points to the relevance of cooperation and proposes a model seeking to stimulate the scientific and technological exchange among public universities in the state of Paraná. It is supported on the theoretical and epistemological frameworks of institutionalization, structure and behavior that form organizations in general, and higher education ones in particular. The humanist approach for qualitative research was used, of a historical-longitudinal character, which can be outlined as a multi-case study of remarkably descriptive and interpretative character. The results obtained indicate the possibility of strong consistence among the institutionalization factors identified in each university and their totality for the proposition of a model of inter-university cooperation, based on the conceptual perspective of the administrative sciences. It concludes that the universities, when observed either individually or as a group, they present – due to their already-achieved levels of evolution – displayed strong cohesion to participate, build and maintain an articulate and sustainable system of inter-university cooperation, starting from the proposed model.