摘要:The paper discusses an application of a technique to tag a corpus containing the English
of Finnish Australians automatically and to analyse the frequency vectors of part-of-
speech (POS) trigrams using a permutation test. Our goal is to detect the linguistic
sources of the syntactic variation between two groups, the !(R)Adults,!who had received
their school education in Finland, and the !(R)Juveniles,!ˉ who were educated iAustralia.
The idea of the technique is to utilise frequency profiles of trigrams of POS categories
as indicators of syntactic distance between the groups and then examine potential effects
of language contact and language (!(R)vernacular!ˉ) universals in SLA.he results show
that some features we describe as !(R)contaminating!ˉ the internguage of the Adults can
be best attributed to Finnish substratum transfer. However, there are other features in
our data that may also be ascribed to more !°universal!± primitiveor universal properties
of the language faculty. As we have no evidence of potential contamination at the early
stages of the Juveniles!ˉ L2 acquisition, we cannot yet prove or refut our hypothesis
about the strength of contact influence as opposed to that of the other factors.