摘要:The present investigation was an exploratory attempt to examine contact patterns and
motivations with respect to age among siblings during middle adulthood years. A representative
sample of 120 married adults (40-60 years) having at least one living biological sibling between the age
differences of 1-4 years belonging to nuclear families of Udaipur city of district Udaipur of Rajasthan
were selected. Adult Sibling Relationship Scale (ASRS) was developed, standardized and used to
assess contact patterns and motivations among middle-aged siblings. The results of the study revealed
that early and late middle-aged adults do not put forth a significant difference in the contact pattern
with their sibling. Males reported to have regular phone contact with their siblings but it was not
frequent, whereas females maintain frequent contact with their siblings. In-person contact motivation
was almost similar both the age groups and for both male and female siblings. Obligations place
demands on adults to maintain contact with their siblings. Contact by desire among siblings during
middle years was reported to be very less; it was taken over by obligatory nature of contact motivations.