期刊名称:Cervantes: Bulletin of the Cervantes Society of America
出版社:Cervantes Society of America
摘要:migos cervantistas y quijotescos: A focus of my paper is
charaterization in Don Quijote, including the elements within
the narrative that point the knight errant toward and away from
what has come to be known as realism. Cervantes‘ˉs deviation from liter
ary idealism points, on the one hand, to the Italian novella and the early
Spanish picaresque, and, on the other, to the entes de icci27 that, lout-
ing the conventions of realism, inhabit the realm of metaition. Rather
than a hybrid or a liminal creature, Don Quijote is a tudy in contrats
rather than an amalgamation: often a ludicrous igure to be ridiculed or,
at any rate, viewed with ironic detachment, yet on occasion a man wor-
thy of sympathy, a charater with whom the reader can identify. I want
to look at this dualism and its analytical implications. In the process of
examining approaches to Don Quijote the charater and Don Quijote the
novel, I want to acknowledge and honor the work of one of my guides,
colleagues, friends, and‘anot using the term lightly‘aheroes, Carroll B
Johnson, who taught us to look ‘°inside‘± Alonso Quijano. I hope that m
route will prove to be logical; it will not be diret, however.