出版社:SISSA, Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati
摘要:Recent interest in exploring local vacuum structure of QCD through the properties of the eigenmodes
of the lattice Dirac operators rises again the challenge to visualize four-dimensional objects
and structures which appear in lattice field theories. In spite of complex and powerful commercial
visualization software packages on the market, there are reasons to develop Interactive Visualization
Package (IVP). We believe that an apprehension of the complex structures is possible only
through the interactive approach, with the user being able to manipulate data representations and
slices through the lattice in real-time. Further insight should also be gained by an interactive parallel
examination of different physical quantities, e.g. eigenmode density with topological charge
or action densities. Finally, thanks to constantly falling hardware prices, IVP makes it possible to
use almost any Linux PC as a visualization tool for research in lattice field theory.