出版社:SISSA, Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati
摘要:eScience applications, in particular High Energy Physics, often involve large amounts of data
and/or computing and often require secure resource sharing across organizational boundaries,
and are thus not easily handled by today's networking infrastructures. By utilising the switched
lightpath connections provided by the UKLight network it has been possible to research the use
of alternate protocols for data transport. While the HEP projects make use of a number of
middleware solutions for data storage and transport, they all rely on GridFTP for WAN
transport. The GridFTP protocol runs over TCP as the layer 3 protocol by default, however with
the latest released of the Globus toolkit it is possible to utilise alternate protocols at the layer 3
level. One of the alternatives is a reliable version of UDP called UDT. This report presents the
results of the tests measuring the performance of single-threaded file transfers using GridFTP
running over both TCP and the UDT protocol.