摘要:Sonia Jain and Radford Neal (JN) make a signicant contribution to the literature on
Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling techniques for Dirichlet process mixture
(DPM) models. The paper presents some very nice ideas and will be on my required
reading list for students working with me. DPM models are widely used for Bayesian
nonparametric analyses and ecient sampling techniques are essential for their routine
application. Incremental samplers for nonconjugate DPM models, such as the Auxiliary
Gibbs sampler in Neal (2000), are easily implemented and potentially very ecient.
Unfortunately, these samplers can also have diculty mixing over the entire sample
space and standard MCMC diagnostics may fail to indicate the problem. JN's paper
represents a signicant advance by providing a non-incremental sampler for conditionally
conjugate DPM models.