出版社:Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração
摘要:The empirical results concerning the determinants of business performance have been conflicting. Among other possible reasons, non-significant or contradictory findings may be due to the diverse and often inappropriate approaches that have been used to conceptualize and measure the phenomenon. In this paper, a general review of construct development and measurement model validation procedures is conducted, which is then applied to the specific case of the business performance construct. The methodological cautions followed here are meant to overcome most of the flaws found in conceptual and empirical research on the subject to date. It is expected that the conceptual, methodological and procedural framework presented here will encourage other researchers to engage in a joint effort to develop a substantively based, psychometrically sound and empirically validated measurement model of the business performance construct that will be generalizable to diverse research settings.
关键词:business performance measurement ; business performance construct ; business strategy.