摘要:Call centres have received increased attention during the past decades. The growth of thissector in the economy has led to research on its work conditions. Call centres are oftendescribed as “sweatshops” with inferior psychosocial work conditions in this research.There are different kinds of call centres, however. This study focuses on the psychosocialwork conditions in Swedish in-house call centres compared with the same conditions inNordic (Swedish, Norwegian, Danish and Finnish) organisations in general. The QPSNordic questionnaire is used for the comparison. It is found that Swedish in-house callcentre employees perceive work to be more controlled than employees in Nordicorganisations in general do. At the same time the work load in in-house call centres is notperceived to be very high. The call centre leadership style appears to be different fromleadership in general in Nordic organisations. Superiors are perceived to be quitesupportive, people-oriented and empowering. Co-workers are also perceived to besupportive. In addition, work is not perceived to be as central in life by call centreemployees as it is perceived by employees in Nordic organisations in general.