出版社:Ege University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
摘要:There is a consensus that the tourism industry should be carried to a more ethical platform. Inthis direction, this study aimed to determine theethical jugdments of students registered with thedepatment of tourism at a public university, whoare potential employees of the tourism industry,about the situations they may encounter with.The situations that students might face wereinvestigated under four scenarios: the relation oftourism with the natural environment; with thesocio-cultural environment; tourism marketing,and the employee relationships in the tourismindustry. 420 usable questionnaires wereobtained from students both registered in atourism department and other severaldepartments to explore if any differences existbetween these two groups. The only differencewas emerged for the scenario of the relationshipbetween tourism and socio-culturalenvironment. The study also provides boththeoretical and practical implications.