出版社:Ege University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
摘要:Tourism is a vital industry in Rhodes as it is inmany Mediterranean economies. And the adoptionof a sustainable development strategy and theconsequent sustainable development policies seemto guarantee long term viability of the tourismproduct. This sustainable development in tourismwill have a direct effect on the societies who liveespecially in environmentally sensitive areas. Forsustainable tourism development to affect positivelythese areas, it is important that all parts involved intourism develop a common language and acommon understanding about sustainable tourismdevelopment. The need of the societies’sensitization is recognized widely as a “must” for asuccessful adoption of sustainable developmentpolicies. In this article it is aimed to understand theawareness of the planners and other key figuresabout sustainable development and the high schoolchildren about the knowledge of the termsustainable development and of relevant terms,understanding of the multidimensional and holistic(integrated) meaning of the concept, ability toidentify the problems of tourism development and toconnect them to sustainable or unsustainabletourism.