出版社:Faculdade de Serviço Social, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul
摘要:Abstract – In Brazil, the violence in the matrimonial relationships has been near object of growing accusations the police stations, judiciary and to the public organs of Social Attendance, education and health. The house, space of the family, before considered protection place and own of the feminine world, become a place of great desprotection and risk for the women. Considered that the relationships between men and women, along the centuries, maintain an excluding character, as well as discriminator. They are assimilated of form unequal, being designated the woman the inferior condition. The present rehearsal seeks the to lecture about of this situation, to approach the alarming numbers that they are proliferated in researches, news, along the last decades, seeking, at the end, to contribute with proposed effective to the combat of this demand.
关键词:Social exclusion. Violence. Work. Social Service.