摘要:Here I explore the role of Inca-ness in the current conception and expression of
identity among the Saraguro people of Ecuador and the potential role of archaeology in
examining, expressing, and exploiting the connections between them and their past. As
an ethnic group, the Saraguros have developed through a process of ethnogenesis in
which members of several disparate groups forged a new identity in the context of Inca
and Spanish colonialism. In the current construction of their ethnicity, the Saraguros
express a close link to the Incas in numerous ways, including belief in common descent
from the Incas.
This strong connection with an Inca past has implications for the relationships
between the Saraguros, archaeologists, archaeological sites, and archaeological
research. Saraguros have become increasingly interested in learning about the past
through archaeology, especially about the local Inca presence. Likewise, they are
interested in preserving Inca sites and in their potential for stimulating tourism. In
turn, archaeologists have the potential to contribute to the Saraguros¡¯ understanding of
and relationship with the past. Saraguro is a case that, in line with SAA ethical
principles, presents a very favorable opportunity to consult actively with local
descendants and establish working relationships that can be mutually beneficial.