期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Science & Applications
出版社:Technomathematics Research Foundation
摘要:In this paper we present an educational tool, named CAMOU, which has been designed to both, acquire
(learning) knowledge from the (educational) interactions among students and educators, and aid
educators in the process of course design and analysis. CAMOU integrates a system, named IPSS, which
uses planning and scheduling modules as main reasoning module. IPSS is used to automatically analyse,
detect and propose new solutions (as new learning designs or courses) for those problems that currently
are handled by our tool. This paper shows how to deal with these knowledge using only some statistical
and educational interactions, and how these knowledge can be adequately mapped in the correct representation
used by IPSS. This paper shows both, the currently deployed functionalities of our eLearning tool
(used mainly to acquire these information), and how it have been integrated with a planning/scheduling
system to develop a complete aid-educational environment.