出版社:American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
摘要:-Tocopherol is a lipid-soluble antioxidant that helps to preventoxidative damage to cellular lipids. -Tocopherol is absorbedby the intestine and is taken up and retained by the liver;it is widely presumed that -tocopherol is then delivered toperipheral tissues by the secretion of VLDL. To determine whetherVLDL secretion is truly important for the delivery of -tocopherolto peripheral tissues, we examined -tocopherol metabolism inmice that lack microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (Mttp)expression in the liver and therefore cannot secrete VLDL (Mttp/mice). Mttp/ mice have low plasma lipid levels and increasedstores of lipids in the liver. Similarly, -tocopherol levelsin the plasma were lower in Mttp/ mice than in controls, whereashepatic -tocopherol stores were higher. However, -tocopherollevels in the peripheral tissues of Mttp/ mice were nearly identicalto those of control mice, suggesting that VLDL secretion isnot critical for the delivery of -tocopherol to peripheral tissues.When fed a diet containing deuterated -tocopherol, Mttp/ andcontrol mice had similar incorporation of deuterated -tocopherolinto plasma and various peripheral tissues. We conclude thatthe absence of VLDL secretion has little effect on the storesof -tocopherol in peripheral tissues, at least in the mouse.Supplementary key words -tocopherol • microsomal triglyceride transfer protein • vitamin E
Abbreviations: apoB, apolipoprotein B; Mttp, microsomal triglyceride transfer protein; pI-pC, polyinosinic-polycytidylic ribonucleic acid; -TTP, -tocopherol transfer protein