出版社:American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
摘要:We hypothesized that the polyunsaturated fatty acids of thebutterfly were probably derived from the diet and that theremight be a great loss of body fat during metamorphosis. To substantiatethese hypotheses, we analyzed the fatty acid composition andcontent of the diet, the larva, and the butterfly Morpho peleides.Both the diet and the tissues of the larva and butterfly hada high concentration of polyunsaturated fatty acids. In thediet, linolenic acid accounted for 19% and linoleic acid for8% of total fatty acids. In the larva, almost 60% of the totalfatty acids were polyunsaturated: linolenic acid predominatedat 42% of total fatty acids, and linoleic acid was at 17%. Inthe butterfly, linolenic acid represented 36% and linoleic acidrepresented 11% of total fatty acids. The larva had a much highertotal fatty acid content than the butterfly (20.2 vs. 6.9 mg).Our data indicate that the transformation from larva to butterflyduring metamorphosis drastically decreased the total fatty acidcontent. There was bioenhancement of polyunsaturated fatty acidsfrom the diet to the larva and butterfly. This polyunsaturationof membranes may have functional importance in providing membranefluidity useful in flight.Supplementary key words linolenic acid • linoleic acid • essential fatty acids • fatty acid concentration • fatty acid mass • Lepidoptera • fatty acids of the diet • larva