SONRISA is a Spanish/English mental health curriculum toolbox developed for promotores (community health workers) who work with Hispanic clients to prevent or manage diabetes. Promotoras and community members from a community-based project requested their university partner to help promotores address depression observed in their clients with diabetes.
Data collection included reviewing existing educational materials and conducting focus groups. Promotoras piloted the first version of SONRISA in a 1-day workshop.
Four curricula from community agencies were reviewed, and 49 individuals participated in eight focus groups. Promotora feedback during the workshop informed the revision of SONRISA.
The community-based participatory approach produced a highly relevant and culturally appropriate toolbox for general use by promotores and their clients. SONRISA provides training material to address depression and diabetes, educational material for clients, and approaches to prevent work-related emotional burnout.
SONRISA offers an innovative, integrated approach to training promotores to address depression among their clients with chronic illnesses. It is culturally appropriate and adaptable to other populations.