摘要:An 11 year old male boy presented with painless swelling in right side of neck anterior to tragus of 4 months duration, without any history of fever, cold, cough, or any history suggestive of tuberculosis: On examination there were firm, discrete, non tender not freely mobile preauricular and upper jugular group of lymph nodes palpable, largest lymph node was approximately 2.5 cm in preauricular region, for which patient had consulted.
As tuberculosis is one of the commonest diagnosis in India for cervical lymphadenopathy, work up for the same was carried out. ESR was normal, with WBC = 8700/mm3 without any evidence of eosinophilia. Mantoux test as well as X-ray chest were negative. Ultrasound revealed multiple enlarged lymph nodes at the right angle of mandible, largest 2.5 cm, with few lymph nodes seen in the right parotid gland. A diagnostic biopsy of the preauricular lymph node performed. Histopathology was reported as Angiolymphoid Hyperplasia with Eosinophilia (Kimura’s Disease) of right pre-auricular region.