Color Slide - contest results
Lewis L. RosenfeldCSD Photo Essay Contest
The year 2000 CSD Photo Essay Contest was judged August 12 by members of the Peoria, Illinois Camera Club. The winning entries are:
1st Place (Gold Medal) "Once Upon a Time" by Siegfried Matull, EPSA, Gualala, CA 2nd place (Silver Medal) "Murals" by Adrian Szasz, Toronto, Canada 3rd Place (Bronze Medal) "Death Valley" by Marie Williams, Normal, IL HM "Reflections" by Galyn C. Hammond, FPSA, Monterey, CA HM "Northwest Scenes" by James R. Martin, APSA, Sequim, WA
The Photo Essays were presented at the PSA Annual Conference in Albuquerque.
Linnet G. Dean, CSD Photo Essay Dir.
More CSD Skill Improvement Offers
Slide Evaluation Service:
Available to photographers of all skill levels, this evaluation service provides expert opinions and views intended to help improve members' photographic ability. The critiques are based upon technique, composition, impact and originality factors. Contact Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Lower, 2608 E. Lombard St., Davenport, IA 52803
Instructional Slide Sets: From abstracts to filter fun to easy portraiture ... and more, including title slide production, landscape photography ... over 20 "how-to" slide sets available. Many are new additions to the library. Contact Bill Black, APSA, P.O. Box 1930, Sequim, WA 98382
The Slide Set Library: This collection is composed mostly of Award Winning Photo Essays from the yearly Essay Contest of this division. You'll find a great variety of titles and subjects. For club or individual use, contact Rich Kirkham, APSA, 1608 Genese Street, Hamilton, NJ 08610.
Lewis L. Rosenfeld, Editor 5021 Fourth Ave., Meridian, MS 39305 (601) 482-0010, Fax (601) 553-0574 E-mail: [email protected]
COPYRIGHT 2000 Photographic Society of America, Inc.
COPYRIGHT 2001 Gale Group