Ultra-thin flexible battery can help packages speak to customers - Brief Article
Dan WagnerNow, a package can plug a product without being plugged in.
Patented new technology produces an ultra-thin, caseless, low-cost power source almost as flexible as paper.
Because of the thin size--just 0.5 millimeters thick--and the versatility, it can be made into any shape and size. The batteries, produced by Power Paper, are ideal for disposable microelectronic applications such as electronic packaging and smart tags.
Safe and "sound"
The batteries use zinc and manganese oxide-based cathode and anode layers made from proprietary ink-like materials that can be printed, pasted or laminated onto virtually any substrate, including paper.
This not only gives the cells their flexibility, but also produces a dry battery that eliminates the need for a hermetically sealed metal case.
A 1-square-inch printed cell will provide 1.5 volts with a capacity of 15 mega-ampere hours and will hold for more than a two-year shelf life. Cells can be used in multiple combinations for greater voltages.
All the ingredients are non-toxic and safe, permitting disposal without endangering the environment.
Even small quantities can be produced at low costs with only minimal tooling expense.
The finished cell can be integrated with printed circuits and microchips to perform functions such as controlling prescription drug injections, monitoring smart tags or transmitting radio-frequency identification (RFID) label information over long distance, or adding lights or sound to a package.
Power Paper (In Israel) 011-972-3-9007525 [email protected] www.powerpaper.com
Item #234
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COPYRIGHT 2003 Gale Group