Everyone's Responsibility Is No One's Responsibility - risk management for parks
James A. PetersonSounds like an oxymoron, doesn't it? In one sense it very well may be, with its opposite and contradicting terms combined. In the sense I am using it for this article, it is a tool for managing risk on public playgrounds: it simply means that someone must be responsible or the task ends up being no one's obligation. Yes, it is true when it comes to managing risk on playgrounds, everyone has a role to play. It does, however, take the constant effort of a key coordinator to assist, guide, train, motivate, and consult with staff throughout the system to accomplish the agency's goals.
Why Have a Risk Management Plan?
With a risk management plan, you will be taking a proactive approach to managing risk on your playgrounds. You will project an attitude that tells your public that you care, that you are concerned for their children's safety, that you will do whatever is reasonable to provide a safe play environment. You are being proactive and you are responsible!
In addition to doing what is professionally sound, a risk management plan is extremely valuable in the event of legal action against your organization. A solid proactive program shows intent. A program of managing risk serves as a deterrent to being sued and, if sued, as evidence of intent to act responsibly.
Other benefits include:
* Reducing losses to your organization
* More effective use of available funds
* Identifying a vulnerability where you might transfer risk
* Reducing insurance premiums
* Tracking accidents, claims and losses
Who is Responsible for the Plan?
Many of the accidents that occur daily can be prevented. The National Safety Council says that 85 percent of all accidents are preventable. For those of us in the park and recreation field, we know that about 70 percent of public playground accidents are due to falls, mostly onto unsafe surfaces, and that approximately one-third of playground accidents are caused by poor maintenance.(*) The fact is that many debilitating accidents and deaths that occur annually on public playgrounds can be prevented or greatly reduced in severity by those managers who develop and execute a program of risk management, focusing on reasonable care.
Sounds simple enough, doesn't it?
The challenge comes in understanding the procedure, the reasons why we do something, and who is responsible. Consider the following questions as your risk management plan begins to unfold:
* Who authorizes the plan?
* Who develops it?
* Who carries it out?
* What is in the plan?
Figure 1 on the next page illustrates everyone's responsibility. Regardless of agency size, any risk management plan should have the blessing and authority of the governing body, particularly of policy-making boards. That body may be a public park and recreation board or commission, a board of the YMCA, the board of a child care center, the Boy's Club Board of Directors, a school board, or a private corporation governing board.
The establishment of a policy by the governing or corporate authority legitimizes their position and tells the staff and users that they believe in the concept of risk management. By authorizing and ultimately approving the plan, the governing board is making its statement for responsibility in managing risk.
The managing authority should designate in its policy what standard of care it desires. Normally, it will select the Consumer Product Safety Commission's "Handbook for Public Playground Safety" or the American Society for Testing and Materials standards.
The Administrator's Role
The administrator's role is to carry out the wishes of the board or governing authority and to determine the best method to develop and monitor a risk management plan. The size of the department or agency will be a determining factor. In smaller units, the administrator may be responsible. In larger units, a risk management officer may be assigned on a full- time basis. In most departments, however, the duty will be coupled with other administrative functions. Whoever is placed in charge, their duties would include at least the following:
* Preparation of a risk management budget including insurance, training, and schedules, and attendance at National Safety Playground Institutes
* Identification of playground safety problems and recommendations of corrective action
* Staying informed of local, state, and federal rules and regulations such as the Americans with Disabilities Act, and of newly approved state statutes
* Establish, maintain, and supervise an agency-wide program of playground safety and loss prevention
* Establish and maintain a claims reporting system
* Work with legal counsel and insurance brokers to monitor and administer the overall program
The administrator's role doesn't end with the appointment of a risk management officer. One must be willing to release proper authority to the person in charge so they may carry out such duties as initiating safety meetings, training programs, inspections, investigations, and general supervision of the program.
The successful administrator will make a statement of responsibility by:
* Establishing goals
* Assigning responsibility
* Releasing authority
* Encouraging feedback
* Monitoring progress
The Supervisors Role
Supervisors play a vital role in management planning and execution. The supervisor generally has the most influence and control over employees' work habits and attitudes. The on-site supervisor is familiar with the day-to-day work environment and is in a critical position to affect the outcome of any risk management plan.
Management's challenge is to involve supervisory staff in a total commitment to playground safety. That commitment stems from understanding of and belief in the value of such a system. The personal support of an enthusiastic supervisor spurs the action that takes any program beyond the paper on which it is written.
Employees, Volunteers, Participants
Finally, in the hierarchy of involvement, all employees below the supervisory level, plus volunteers and participants, must be included in the process of developing your plan.
Employees are credited with being the first to recognize on-the-job hazards. Their work brings them in daily contact with many potentially dangerous facilities and equipment. They should be recognized for their ideas and suggestions for improving or correcting unsafe conditions.
It is not always easy to capitalize on employee skills and knowledge. Unless they understand "what's in it for them" and become committed in the same manner as their supervisors, they may perceive the new wave of regulations as just another top-down obligation imposed by the administration. They couldn't care less! The time spent working with on-line employees in assisting them to understand their importance to the organization is time well spent.
Volunteers and participants are an important element in any risk management plan. You can add credibility to your program by asking for input from your volunteers. Invite them to join some of the task forces. A project committee focusing on the new ADA regulations might be a good place to start, particularly if the volunteer is disabled. You may also involve participants through telephone surveys, questionnaires, or personal interviews. Any involvement with such techniques will strengthen your plan.
The risk management process is not complete without the development of a file containing the site history, a scaled drawing of the playground, equipment inventory, copies of work orders, accident records, and statements of compliance from manufacturing. This documentation becomes the nuts and bolts of your work plan.
Finally, audits, inspections and maintenance are the remaining critical parts of your risk management plan. Audits are done on initial inspection and then only after major changes. Inspections are done periodically and are tailored to the location, frequency of use, age of children involved, vandalism, and other factors. The importance of timely maintenance cannot be overstressed. Good maintenance does prevent playground accidents.
If it's peace of mind you are looking for in the management of your playgrounds, make someone responsible.
(*) King, Stephan
James A. Peterson is professor emeritus, Department of Recreation and Park Administration at Indiana University. He taught park and recreation management at Indiana University and worked, on a joint appointment for 20 years with Purdue University, as a parks and recreation specialist for the Cooperative Extension Service. He has also worked as a senior recreation supervisor in Kansas City, Missouri, and park and recreation superintendent in Emporia, Kansas and Evansville, Indiana. In 1990, he produced a video entitled, "Playgrounds: Providing Safe Challenges" and since 1997, he has been an instructor for the National Playground Safety Institute sponsored by NRPA. Read about risk management plans for playgrounds in his article "Everyone's Responsibility is No One's Responsibility" on page 88.
COPYRIGHT 2001 National Recreation and Park Association
COPYRIGHT 2001 Gale Group