Promoting Livability In Iowa - travel industry, Iowa
Christopher R. EdgintonIowa is a Native American term meaning the "beautiful land." Iowans are in fact rooted to their environment, drawing their livelihood, distinctiveness, and sense of self-worth from the character of the land. Largely rural, Iowa presents a pastoral setting of lush greens, deep browns, and hues of golden yellow. Bordered by the Mississippi and the Missouri Rivers, the geography of the environment provides an opportunity for individuals to have access to open spaces, to live a less harried lifestyle, and to focus on family values and community livability.
In 1896 the father of conservation in Iowa, Thomas H. Macbride, commented that "... in Iowa nothing is done; nothing will be done until some body or some association of our citizens makes a beginning."[1] With that admonition, Iowans for more than a century have been seeking a beginning to advance issues and concerns related to improving the livability of their communities through parks, recreation, natural resource development/heritage management and tourism. Macbride taught Iowans that as
... friends of the living world, lovers of Iowa and her beauty; ... [a.] ... successfully administered park movement shall indeed go far. Well administered, parks become much more than havens for birds and flowers, much more than a game preserve, a refuge for wild life of every sort; even something more than a playground for all the people ... -- something more than all these, the well administered park shall show. It shall show us real democracy.[2]
Macbride was influenced by the landscape of Iowa, much as early environmental ethicist and author of A Sand County Almanac, Aldo Leopold had been in his youth. Leopold, a native of Burlington, Iowa was born in 1887. He lived his childhood and youth in an environment where he could gaze out over the mighty Mississippi River. He was greatly affected by his living environment where "... each fall and spring the skies were speckled like the breast of a wood thrush as thousands of migrating birds flew overhead.[3] At an early age, Leopold demonstrated great observation skills tallying up species, colors, habitats and locations of migrating birds.[4] As early as 11 years old, Leopold's commitment to the environment was evident as he reflected in his school composition book. "... I like to study birds. I like the wren the best of all birds",[5] These early impressions ... had an important effect on Leopold's inner self.[6]
Starting near the turn of the 20th Century, Iowa developed a praiseworthy system of municipal parks, county conservation areas and state parks and preserves. Iowa's first state park -- Backbone State Park -- was established in 1917. On January 10, 1921 the first National Conference on State Parks was held in Des Moines, Iowa. Secretary of the Interior, John Barton Payne, and National Park Service Director Steven T. Mather organized the conference. Nearly 200 delegates from 24 states and the District of Columbia attended the three-day event to discuss issues and concerns related to the advancement of state parks in America. When the National Conference on State Parks made its first sweep through the country to assess the status of state park development in 1925, Iowa ranked fourth in the nation in terms of numbers. Only New York, Michigan and Texas had established more state parks. At that time, forty-three states were engaged in acquiring and developing state parks; by the late 1920s, forty-five states had some form of park or recreation system, and Iowa was still helping set the pace.[7]
These early events brought prominence to the park, recreation and conservation in the state of Iowa. They provided a platform that raised the awareness of Iowans to importance of promoting community livability through the provision of park, recreation, natural resource development, heritage management and tourism. During the past two decades Iowans have formulated several significant legislative initiatives as well as created several significant opportunities for Iowans to engage in meaningful dialogue with an eye toward enhancing park, recreation, natural and other resources within the state. This article chronicles recent developments in the state of Iowa impacting on the park and recreation movement.
Challenges and Issues
Iowans, like all North Americans, seek to improve the livability of their communities and the quality of their lives. They desire well paying jobs, a stable economy, affordable housing, and a safe and clean environment. Iowans are tied to the land. The pastoral and rural environment of the geography of the state of Iowa greatly influences individual perceptions of well being. In addition, Iowans strongly value education and a focus on the family. These elements and others significantly effect how Iowans view the livability of their communities and the quality of their lives.
Like other areas of the United States, Iowa faces a number of challenges. Perhaps the most dispiriting is the out migration of young people. As a result of the youth/brain drain, Iowa's population in the 1980s decreased, although it is projected to grow by six percent in the future. On the other hand, Iowa has the largest percentage of population of individuals over 85 and the fastest growing sections of the population are people over the age of 100. Issues related to diversity of the population find Iowa as a very homogeneous state, often challenged to attract people of other languages, cultures and colors. Further, concern for pollution as a result of agricultural waste products is a continuing problem. Many of these issues and concerns are central to the work of park and recreation professionals, lay citizens, and legislatures wishing to advance quality of life in Iowa.
In the mid 1980s President Reagan's Commission of Americans Outdoors (PCAO) made recommendations presented in the book American Outdoor: The Legacy, The Challenge. Americans were encouraged to "... light a prairie fire of local action."[8] Iowans have taken to heart this challenge as a way of promoting and improving parks, recreation, natural resource development, heritage management and tourism. Numerous initiatives have been initiated in order to provide necessary programs and services aimed at improving the livability and quality of life of Iowans. In fact, livability has been identified as a key element in advancing the state's vision of promoting the general welfare of its citizens.
An editorial appearing in the Wednesday, October 27, 1999 issue of the Des Moines Register cuts directly to the issues facing Iowans as it relates to community livability and quality of life concerns. This editorial suggests that during the past several decades, Iowa's policy makers have "... been fixated on improving the business climate ... the thinking was that if business could be induced to bring jobs to Iowa everything else would fall into place."[9] This did not happen and in fact, as noted in the editorial "jobs are lowing to regions in which people find it desirable to live." The authors go on to suggest that "... Iowa bet on the wrong strategy and lost."[10] As the editorial suggests, perhaps there is a need to change strategies. Quality of life issues can no longer be assigned a secondary priority. In Iowa "... the quality of life must be the first priority."[11]
Several key initiatives have been undertaken in the 1980s and 1990s that provide direction and support to community livability and to quality of life. In addition, new and innovative legislative activities are proposed as we move in the next millennium. In particular, we will review several legislative programs including the Recreation Trails Fund, the Resource Enhancement and Protection (REAP) Fund, the Recreational Grant Program, Recreational Infrastructure Grant Program, Restore Outdoors Program, Community Attraction and Tourism (CAT) Fund and the proposed Millennium Fund (also known as Vision Iowa Program). Further, the implementation of an "Iowa Recreation Summit" held in 1997 and subsequent report of recommendations to the Iowa General Assembly will be presented. Last, we will describe and discuss the findings and recommendations of Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack's summit on "Promoting the Livability of Iowa's Communities: The Role of Recreation, Natural Resource Development and Tourism" held in 1999.
Legislative Initiatives and Strategies
In the past decade several major funding programs have been established by the state of Iowa. Several of these programs have taken advantage of other funding sources, especially at the federal level. Programs are administered by the Department of Transportation (DOT) or the Department of Natural Resources (DNR). For example, DOT administers the above mentioned Recreational Trails Fund and DNR oversees the REAP grant program. The following provides a brief overview of the legislative initiatives and proposed future strategies for funding.
Recreational Trails Fund. The state of Iowa has made a large investment in the development and construction of recreational trails over the past decade. Since 1989, over $42 million has been expended from a variety of sources including funds from state, federal, and other agencies. In previous years, the Recreational Trails Fund was supported with an annual appropriation from the Road Use Tax Fund. However, in 1997 the General Assembly of the state of Iowa eliminated this mechanism and funded the program through the Rebuild Iowa Infrastructure Fund. For fiscal years 2000 and 2001, the General Assembly has made $2.2 million available for funding.[12] Grants require a minimum local match of 25 percent.
Resource Enhancement and protection Fund. The REAP Fund brought great promise to park and recreation initiatives in the state of Iowa. Established in 1987-1988, REAP receives funding from lottery receipts, the state's General Fund, and receipts from the sale of license plates. The program was promised $30 million, but was never funded at that level. Projections suggest that it will be fully funded at $20 million. In 1990, the program was funded with a $10.5 million appropriation from the infrastructure fund. Therefore, the fund is approximately halfway to its current goal of full funding at $20 million. The REAP Fund is available for a variety of projects, including ones dealing with environmental, cultural, and recreation programs.
Recreation Infrastructure Grant Program. This program was established by the General Assembly in 1999 and funding comes from the Rebuild Iowa Infrastructure Fund. In 1999, $2.5 million was available. The program works as a matching effort between the state and the local recipient. The state provides a match for every two dollars raised. In 1999, 54 projects received funding. In 2000, $ 3.5 million will be available for the program. The act specifies that special consideration be given to recreation facility projects that involve participation by the public and private sector.[13] The largest grant awarded was for $100,000. For example, funds were made available in the City of Ames, Iowa, for replacement of an ice rink. In Dunlap and Northwood, Iowa, funds were used to replace swimming pools. Other uses include trail, parkway extensions, and park renovation.
Restore Outdoors Program. This program is directed toward renovating, restoring, and constructing new facilities in state parks. In 1997, the Iowa General Assembly appropriated $3 million primarily aimed at improving, renovating, and restoring historical buildings constructed by the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) or the Works Progress Administration. In 1998, the Restore Outdoors Program was created, with $3 million annually available through 2001. Currently, funds are used to renovate and repair existing state park areas and facilities and where funds are available to construct new facilities. Programs have included shelter renovation, dam repair, beach facility repair and restoration, camp development, and upgrading of maintenance and service buildings.
Community Attraction and Tourism Fund. This program was funded at $12.5 million to assist communities in developing attractions and service-related facilities. Basically this fund provides" matching funds for communities whether they are stadiums, parks, museums, theaters, art museums, or cultural centers.[14] AS Governor Vilsack has indicated" ... we're willing to invest and partner with communities in creating these opportunities." Part of the appeal of this program is that it helps create resources and attractions aimed at youth as well as other age groupings in the population to make Iowa a more attractive and livable place. The legislature is currently reviewing a three-year extension of the existing $12.5 million CAT program. The guidelines for this project would reserve one third of the funding for cities under 10,000 population and counties in the bottom third of the population statewide.
Millennium Fund Vision Iowa Program. In 2000 the Iowa General Assembly debated a program proposal called Millennium Fund. A similar version of this legislation was proposed by the Republicans and is called the Vision Iowa Program (VIP). Both of these programs are aimed at providing somewhere between $250 million and $300 million for projects over the next 20 years. The idea would be to provide funding for larger projects, ones costing $20 million or more with a cap of $75 million for any individual project. Both the House and the Senate passed bills supporting this program and the Governor signed the legislation into law. A number of projects have emerged that would be supported by this fund including a new arena complex/convention center in Des Moines, Iowa, Iowa Child Indoor Rain Forest, education center, an Imax theater in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and sports complexes in the Waterloo and Cedar Falls, Iowa. Again, the goal of this funding initiative is to find ways to assist cities with community projects to enhance the quality of life of Iowans.[15] The challenge addressed in this proposed funding process is one of designing a way of attracting and retaining young families and young workers.[16]
The Iowa Recreation Summit
In 1997 the leadership of the Iowa House of Representatives held a "Recreation Summit." The purpose of this summit was to identify unmet needs of Iowa recreation infrastructure with the goal of building strong families and communities through investment in Iowa's recreation resources. A steering committee including the Speaker of the House, and four (4) other members plus representatives from the Iowa National Heritage Foundation, Iowa Association of County Conservation Boards, Iowa Park and Recreation Association, State Historical Society, the Iowa Department of Economic Development, and several others planned and implemented the summit.
A key component of the Recreation Summit was public testimony provided to the Iowa Legislature by individuals and organizations committed to advancing quality of life issues through park and recreation services. A wide range of organizations were represented in the testimony including the National Recreation and Park Association (Claude Ahrens, represented NRPA by providing testimony), the Iowa Parks and Recreations Association, as well as state agencies. Several organizations including the Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation, Iowa Arts Council, Silos and Smokestacks, America's River, as well as several chambers of commerce have made presentations.
Following the gathering of information, the committee prepared a report outlining the key recommendations including proposals for legislative actions and funding to support parks and recreations in the State of Iowa. The report identified initiatives falling into five (5) categories including the following:
1. Infrastructure Development and Renewal
2. Community Program Partnership
3. Marketing
4. Education, Information and Research
5. Policy Initiatives
The subsequent strategic plan provided specific actions and recommended annual funding request for 21 strategies ranging from continued support for the REAP program with $12 million in annual funding, establishment of a recreation infrastructure repair grant fund, development of a fund for acquisition of forest lands, trails, lakes and streams as well as protection of Mississippi River bluff lands and the Loess Hills area for recreation. In addition, recommendations called for competitive grant programs to promote program development, community based recreation centers, and youth and senior programs. Recommendations aimed at improving the marketing of recreation services included funds for interpretations or archeological, cultural and historical sites, enhancement of habitat and facilities to view non-game wildlife and interdisciplinary program to provide low-cost professional/technical assistance to provide recreational and park providers. Recommendations focusing on policy initiatives included identifying ways to limit liability of volunteers, establishing recreation/park districts with taxing authorities, providing tax incentives to private parties involve in research protection and others.
The Iowa Recreation Summit brought attention and focus to Iowans unmet recreational needs. Many beneficial ideas and concepts were revealed via public testimony provided to the state legislature. The final presentation, "A Report to the Iowa General Assembly on the Needs of Recreation in Iowa" provides a useful blueprint to assist in developing both a short and long-term strategy for the citizens of the State of Iowa. It focused the attention of the General Assembly on the importance, benefits, and values of recreation in contributing in positive and meaningful ways to Iowa's future.
The Governor's Summit
In 1999 newly elected Governor Tom Vilsack called for a governor's summit to discuss issues related to the topic of "Enhancing the Livability of Iowa Communities: The Role of Recreation, Natural Resource Development and Tourism." The summit was hosted by the University of Northern Iowa's School of Health, Physical Education and Leisure Services and the Institute for Decision Making. The purpose of the summit was to provide policy makers, professionals and citizens to play a role in the shaping and nature of the enhancement of the livability of Iowa's communities.[17] The summit provided opportunities to:
* Hear Governor Vilsack's vision of the importance of community livability in relation to Iowa's future
* Analyze Iowa's current recreation, leisure, historical cultural, natural, and other amenities that contribute to community livability
* Review trends and issues impacting on Iowa's future, including population trends, rural/urban migration, employment trends/economic forecasts, youth exodus/brain-drain, educational attainment and other factors that affect community livability
* Review a framework for defining the "Livability Mix" which is unique for the State of Iowa
* Review models of community development practices found in the public, nonprofit and private sectors and to create a focus on the importance of citizen involvement and participation as it relates to community livability.
The program involved opportunities for meaningful dialogue regarding issues and trends impacting on the development of social policy to improve community livability.[18]
A select, non-partisan group of 200 Iowa business leaders, legislatures, government officials, lay citizens and students participated. Presenters included: the Governor, Nancy Landess, Iowa Division of Tourism; Dr. Christopher Edginton, University of Northern Iowa; Dr. Dan Dustin, Florida International University; Gerald F. Schnepf, formerly Iowa National Heritage Foundation and Brent Siegrist, Iowa Speaker of the House.
In addition, participants were involved in an active and authentic dialogue focused on issues related to defining livability and promoting coordination of community resources.
The one-day summit provided an opportunity to help build a shared vision for enhancing community livability through recreation, natural resource development and tourism. The presentations as well as the opportunity to distill views, issues and concerns will help contribute in building social policy related to community livability in the state of Iowa as indicated in the proceedings of the Summit, Enhancing the Livability of Iowa Communities: The Role of recreation, Natural Resource Development and Tourism. The program provided a unique format for participants to express their concerns, interests, and viewpoints.[19]
Concluding Comments
Iowa's commitment to improving quality of life was emphasized in the presence of Governor Thomas Vilsack as the keynote speaker at the 2000 Iowa Park and Recreation Associations Annual Conference. Governor Vilsack offered his unique insights into the state of park and recreation in Iowa as well as addressing the theme of this year's conference "Agenda 2000: Quality of life." He pointed out that Iowa has made a historical commitment to public lands with a conservation focus and discussed how 46 quality of life issues impact on the well being of Iowa's citizens. Governor Vilsack pointed out that we can create opportunities for individuals, working families and communities by promoting an agenda focused on improving quality of life by emphasizing the continued development of park and recreation program and services.
Also offering comments at the conference was Robert Hall, then president, National Recreation and Park Association and executive director of Gateway Parks & Trails 2004. Hall noted that it is important to "... become active in your community and be politically astute." According to Hall "... politics is not a dirty word ... it is the coin of the realm, and if you want some of the coin you need to be willing to deal in the political arena." Listening, understanding what your citizen's desire, and involving them in the political process, especially in making personal visits to your legislature with members of your constituency can make a great difference. Activism works!
In Iowa, park and recreation professionals are working in concert with those they represent and the state legislature to establish a vision for promoting quality of life issues in the future as well as building an infrastructure of support. The partnership has found Republicans working in concert with Democrats, citizens with legislators and government officials with the business community.
In addition, focus and special interest groups such as 1,000 Friends of Iowa and others have worked to promote social policy aimed at quality of life issues. Educational institutions like the University of Northern Iowa have organized forums and conferences as well as moved forward strategies for improving technical and educational support services.
As a result of the Recreation Summit held earlier and the recent Governor's Summit, it is clear that the legislature has turned the corner in understanding the importance of quality of life issues in the state of Iowa. The 2000 Legislative Session proved with the passage of the Vision Iowa Program that Iowa intends to move as quickly as possible in enhancing livability in Iowa. The bipartisan support that various initiatives has gained is an impressive start, but much work remains to be done. There is a growing awareness that while the tax structure, the workforce, the education system, and the transportation network are important, recreation and environmental livability are a big part of the puzzle. For Iowa to grow and increase its population, the Legislature and the Governor clearly recognize that these initiatives must be supported and expanded. The bottom line is that Iowa's a great place to live, and it is going to get better!
In sum, there is a concerted ongoing effort to address majors issues related to livability in the state of Iowa. The goal is to improve the livability of Iowa; to make Iowa a desirable place to live, play, and work. Leisure and other associated amenities are critical elements in this mix and have now been recognized as an important element that needs to be addressed in order to provide meaningful opportunities for living in the 21st Century.
[1.] T. H. Macbride, "County Parks," Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science. 3 (1896, 95.)
[2.] T. H. Macbride, "The Present Status of Iowa Parks," Iowa Conservation. 6 (1922), 41-42, 56-58
[3.] M. Lorbiecki, Aide Leopold -- A Fierce Green Fire. (1 996). Helena, Montana: Falcon. 1
[4.] Ibid. 14
[5.] As cited in C. Meine, Aide Leopold. -- His Life in Work. (1 988). Madison, Wisconsin: The University of Wisconsin Press. 17
[6.] Ibid. 27
[7.] R. Conrad, Places of Quiet Beauty: Parks, Preserves, and Environmentalism.
[8.] Americans Outdoors: The Legacy, The Challenge. The President's Commission on Americans Outdoors (PCAO), 1987, Washington, DC, Island Press.
[9.] Editor, "Focus on the Goodlife: Iowa Strategic Planners have an Opportunity to Make People the Priority. Des Moines Register.
[10.] Ibid.
[11.] Ibid.
[12.] D. Prouty. "Iowa Recreational Trails PrograxW Issue Review, Iowa Legislative Fiscal Bureau. January 8, 2000. 1-2
[13.] Ibid.
[14.] C.R. Edginton, Enhancing the Livability of Iowa Communities: The Role of Recreation, Natural Resource Development and Tourism. 2000. Cedar Falls, Iowa: University of Northern Iowa. vii
[15.] S. Shapiro. "Millennium Fund is Money Well Spent to Attract Youth." Waterloo/Cedar Falls Courier. March 12, 2000.
[16]. Ibid.
[17.] Edginton, op. cit. vii
[18.] op. cit. viii
[19.] Ibid.
Christopher Edginton, Ph.D., Brent Siegrist, and Pat Fleming are the authors of "Promoting Livability in Iowa" on page 108. Christopher Edginton is professor and director of the School of Health, Physical Education and Leisure Services at the University of Northern Iowa. A member of the American Academy for Park and Recreation Administration and the Academy of Leisure Sciences and American Leisure Academy, he has published numerous books, including Leisure and Life Satisfaction, and Managing Recreation, Parks, and Leisure Services: An Introduction. He has authored many articles dealing with programming, leadership, and the management of leisure services. Dr. Edginton's experience in direct leadership, supervisory, and administrative positions has established him as the leading proponent of the application of contemporary management concepts in the park and recreation field. Brent Siegrist is Speaker of the House, state of Iowa. After serving 15 years in the legislature, Brent was chosen to be the Speaker of the Iowa House at the conclusion of the 1999 season. As the top elected republican in state government, Brent brings his passion for the children of Iowa to the Speaker's chair. A high school government teacher and wrestling coach for 18 years, he is a firm believer that Iowa's future lies with its young people. Brent has been a loud pro-education voice in the legislature, most recently developing a program to improve the reading skills of younger students. He has pushed for development of new and improved recreational opportunities to entice new businesses to the state and, more importantly, to provide the type of lifestyle that will convince younger people to call Iowa home for the long term. He was responsible for the establishment of the Iowa Recreation Legislative Summit that led to the establishment of the Iowa Vision Program, a $300 million initiative to improve parks, recreation and tourism in the state of Iowa. Pat Fleming formerly served as the executive director of the Iowa Parks & Recreation Association and currently serves as the executive director of the Iowa Amateur Softball Association. During his eight year tenure as executive director of IPRA he was instrumental in advancing the association in terms of new membership, but also more importantly the association in terms of initiatives to improve the quality of life through the provision of recreation, natural resources and tourism activities.
COPYRIGHT 2001 National Recreation and Park Association
COPYRIGHT 2001 Gale Group