Occupation: Dreamland
Michael Joshua RowinOCCUPATION: DREAMLAND (Rumur) Directed by Garrett Scott and Ian Olds
Disillusioned and loyal, cynical and energetic, the mostly twentysomething soldiers in the Iraq War documentary Occupation: Dreamland don't fit the stereotypes drawn by both liberal and conservative armchair strategists. Garrett Scott and Ian Olds filmed the 82nd Airborne Division of the Army patrolling Fallujah just before the city's siege, showcasing the deep distrust between the city's beleaguered citizens and the wary soldiers. With candid interviews and captured moments of downtime, Dreamland paints humanistic portraits of the troops so often given lip service but so rarely given our full attention.
COPYRIGHT 2005 Brant Publications, Inc.
COPYRIGHT 2005 Gale Group