On my mind ��
John DeanThe privilege of writing to my fellow members of the Photographic Society of America (PSA) is one which is not to be taken lightly. Entitled "On My Mind," this column allows me and my fellow officers to really tell you about what photographic interests we are thinking of at this moment!
This time I would like to tell of the enjoyment received, the education, the opportunities and more, that I have had over the years as a 'salon worker'. Without doubt, taking part in PSA-recognized exhibitions is an experience not to be missed. I have never felt very competitive, but when entering a photographic salon (in any Division), the realization that I have had one or more of my set of four images accepted means to me that I really have competed and have done well. I have learned about the quality of work I must submit, how to prepare an entry form, what other exhibitors are doing (which sparks nay interest in new subjects I might wish to develop), what the trends are, etc.--all of which have improved my personal photographic ability.
Sometimes it is not obvious to members what is going on with the Exhibitions listing in the monthly Journal. These are your opportunities to take part in as many exhibitions as you wish, under each of the Divisions of our Society. You can select one or more, obtain an entry form for each exhibition of your interest (study it carefully), select four images and begin taking part in this special PSA activity. You may take part in any or all Divisions and need not be a "member" of a division or even of PSA to take part, but non-PSA members are not eligible for activity awards reserved for members.
Better yet, if you are a member of a club, council or a chapter, consider starting a new Exhibition!
The Exhibition chairman will be able to help you get started. Contact one or more for information. (Each division exhibition chairman is listed at the beginning of the exhibition listing for that division starting on page 46.)
Important as well, especially to the newer PSA member, is the participation in Slide Study Groups (in any Division). Slide Study Groups are made up of 7 to 10 people. Sign up. When the package is received each person puts in 4 slides and comments on the other slides in the package. It is easy to sit back in a darkened meeting room at camera club and second-guess a judge, but it is harder when you have to put your thoughts down in writing knowing that the person you are critiquing will be checking your slides. Each study group has an experienced person critique the slides after all of the members have inserted their slides and made comments. Information regarding these study groups can be found in the Services & Activities listing published quarterly in the PSA Journal. (See page 34 of the October Journal under Study Groups.) Any individual PSA member may take part.
What great opportunities a PSA member has!
John Dean, FPSA Services Vice President
COPYRIGHT 2003 Photographic Society of America, Inc.
COPYRIGHT 2003 Gale Group