Flight line safety: award of distinction
David HallOn the night of 4 Nov 04 at approximately 2100 hrs, TSgt Hall, SSgts Farnell & Womack and SrA Hess were performing end-of-runway (EOR) checks on a two-ship of F-15Es. TSgt Hall discovered the landing light on aircraft 87-0484 was cracked, presenting a major FOD potential, and he quickly directed the aircrew to shut the aircraft down. Upon further inspection, SSgt Womack noticed several pieces of glass missing from the light assembly. SSgt Farnell immediately inspected both engines for evidence of FOD while SSgt Womack and SrA Hess replaced the light assembly. Upon removal of the light assembly, the unit came apart spreading glass across the EOR area. TSgt Hall immediately began marshalling aircraft around the affected area to alleviate FOD to any other aircraft while SSgts Farnell and Womack and SrA Hess cleaned and inspected the entire area. After finding no immediate damage to the engine, they turned their attention to the landing gear and wheel and tire assemblies. After a thorough inspection of the aircraft, TSgt Hall had the aircraft re-start and continue its launch sequence, resulting in an on-time takeoff. The EOR team then reported possible FOD on the taxiway and directed a sweeper to ensure no potential FOD had been left behind. Failure to identify this unsafe condition could have resulted in severe engine damage due to FOD ingestion, or catastrophic damage due to tire damage on takeoff or landing.
TSgt David Hall, SSgt Jamie Farnell, SSgt Aaron Womack, SrA Aaron Hess, 379th USCENTAF Expeditionary Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
COPYRIGHT 2005 U.S. Department of the Air Force
COPYRIGHT 2005 Gale Group