Salon with a difference - Laymen's National Bible Association Salon emphasizes competitions that must include images that reflect verses from the Bible
Judy StoneDo you enter the PSA Salons? If you feel there is a certain sameness about them, why not enter one with a challenging difference?
October 10, 1994, is the entry deadline for the 16th annual Laymen's National Bible Association (LNBA) PSA Salon. The difference is: each of your four slides must aptly illustrate a verse from the Bible.
A little advance planning is called for here, and this can be fun. For example, I had a sunset slide with light shafts streaming down from an overhead cloud - and the Bible verse "Let there be light" jumped out at me as I gazed at the slide. I entered it in the 1993 LNBA PSA Salon and it was awarded an Honorable Mention.
Perhaps some of our slides will title themselves with a Bible verse, like mine did. Take some time and browse your Bible - the Psalms are a good source for Bible verse title ideas.
The LNBA started the national color slide competition in 1979. Winners are presented with a cash prize and an inscribed Bible. Winning photographs are released to the press and used in the promotion of National Bible Week.
This contest is conducted in accordance with the recommended practices of the Photojournalism Division of PSA and the winner is presented with a PSA medal.
To obtain an entry blank for the 16th annual LNBA PSA Salon, please write LNBA, Henry Wyman, 10 Valley Drive, Greenwich, CT 06831. Deadline for entries is October 10, 1994.
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