Color Slide - Brief Article
Lewis L. RosenfeldLewis L. Rosenfeld, Editor 5021 Fourth Ave., Meridian, MS 39305 (601) 482-0010, Fax (601) 553-0574 E-mail: [email protected]
New Instructional Slide Sets Available
Four new programs have been added to the Color Slide Division's library of instructional slide sets:
* "Creativity in Still Life" by Marty McMillin, APSA, a program describing and demonstrating the selection of subjects and props for table top work. Lighting techniques, subject placement, selective focus and camera angles are also discussed.
* "Derivations by Kodalith[R] and Diazochrome[R]" by C. W. Biedel, FPSA. In this short program Bill describes techniques for enhancing slides by using ortho film to generate exciting montages.
* "Crystal Photography" by George Ferrara, APSA. With the use of a microscope or other high magnification optics, chemical crystals are made to blaze forth in dazzling colors by use of cross-polarized light. This is an introduction to colorful and amazing natural abstracts.
* "A Beginner's Guide to Travel Photography" by Mardie Banks. An extremely well done and informative guide for travelers of all photo skill levels. Mardie demonstrates the use of various focal lengths, vertical versus horizontal orientation, and the inclusion and placement of people. This helpful slide set also explains how to organize slides into a well-appreciated show.
These four new shows, together with Craig Carver's (FPSA) "Contemporary Effects Through Glass", announced last October, plus 16 other instructional slide sets are available from Bill Black, APSA, 683 Happy Valley Rd., Sequim, WA 98382; telephone: 360.681.4422; e-mail: [email protected]. Rental is only $4 for one set or $7 for three sets, payable by check to PSA.
Results of Portrait Contest-Round 2
Round 2 of the CSD Portrait Contest was judged by the Green Valley Camera Club, Green Valley, AZ. CSD contests are composed of two levels: Class "A" is for experienced photographers who have fifteen (15) or more acceptances for portraits in international exhibitions, or have previously won a gold medal or trophy for "Portrait of the Year" in this CSD Portrait Contest for Individuals. Class "B", on the other hand, is for less experienced photographers who do not yet qualify for Class A. Class B photographers will automatically be advanced to Class A in the year after they win a gold medal or trophy in contests for individuals or when after having received 15 acceptances for portraits in international exhibitions.
For Class B, 44 slides were received, representing 5 countries. The medal and ribbon awards for the class were:
Gold Medal: Lawrence Yeo Kok Lip, Singapore, "Old Indian" Merit Awards: Russell McGuire, Texas, "Amber" Gerald Tucker, Rhode Island, "Melissa #6" Nancy Jacobek, Illinois, "Jake" Francis Soon Hock Ng, Singapore, "Shyness" Francis Soon Hock Ng, Singapore, "Holy Man" Honorable Mention: Nancy Jacobek, Illinois, "Stephany" Moshe Geizler, Israel, "Clown Woman" Faye Jones, Idaho, "Navajo Guide" Faye Jones, Idaho, "Trail Boss" Maureen Mullarkey, Main, "Maria" Lawrence Yeo Kok Lip, Singapore, "Karakh Woman" For Class A, 48 slides were received, representing five countries. The medal and ribbon awards for the Class were: Gold Medal: Ertugrul Merter, Turkey, "Kiravat-2" Merit Awards: Martin Bruce, Florida, "Bill Bridge" Seymore Novins, California, "Ordinary Seaman" Ertugrul Merter, Turkey, "Orient Cafe-2" David Holder, Oklahoma, "Mysterious Eyes" Louis Wellens, Belgium, "Red Stripes" Honorable Mention: Junid bin Osnam, Singapore, "Shazwany" Marcel Jansen, Belgium, "Nadia" Seymour Novins, California, "Jose" Seymour Novins, California, "Miss Helene Thomas" Enrique del Campo, California, "Judith 2"
Congratulations to all winners!
Melissa H. Sonnen is the Director of PSA CSD Portrait Contests. Melissa expresses a sincere thank you to all who entered the portrait contests. To ensure a more timely return of entered slides, Melissa has reorganized and streamlined many of the administrative routines of the portrait contests.
Please take note of revised rules for CSD Portrait Contests for Individuals, 2000-2001, shown on page 36 in this issue of the Journal.
CSD Photo-Essay Contest Deadline
The year 2000 CSD Photo-Essay Contest deadline is drawing near! Entrants have until June 1 to submit the entry form previously published in the January 2000 PSA Journal. Note, however, that the slide essay itself may be mailed as late as July 1.
Successful ingredients in the competition are top quality photography, an interesting subject matter and a script that bundles everything into a neat story. First, assemble your slides so that they tell a pictorial story, and then write your script. Review the script by reading it aloud and without looking at the slides. Make sure the script make sense and tells an interesting story of its own.
The essay must not exceed 15 minutes and 80 slides. Both, script and slides, must be labeled with your name and address.
Last year's winner was a newcomer to the competition so lack of experience won't keep you from winning! And the rewards are great: $50 and a CSD gold medal for First Place; a CSD silver medal is awarded to Second Place; Third Place receives a CSD bronze. Honorable Mentions are chosen at judges' discretion and all winning entries are shown at the PSA International Conference in Albuquerque. In addition, medal winners receive 8 acceptance credits plus 4 title credits, and HMs, if awarded, receive 6 acceptance credits and 4 title credits.
All this for a $5 entry fee! Questions about the contest should be directed to:
Linnet Dean CSD Photo Essay Contest Director Tel: 314.434.5474 e-mail: [email protected]
COPYRIGHT 2000 Photographic Society of America, Inc.
COPYRIGHT 2001 Gale Group