As we navigate through BRAC process, taking care of our people is top priority
John A. BradleyThe Department of Defense has completed its Base Realignment and Closure process, and the secretary of defense has forwarded his recommendations to the independent BRAC Commission. I recognize the potential impact BRAC can have, but let me assure you that you and your families are a key concern as we navigate this course.
BRAC isn't a new concept for the Department of Defense or the Air Force. It's important to realize that we've experienced the closure and realignment of installations many times over the years, and we've experienced much success. We've now entered the fifth round of a two-decade transformation effort that will continue to realign capabilities and create a more efficient infrastructure from which to operate the world's greatest air and space force.
Part of that realignment is to place our smaller force structure into fewer, larger, and more effective and efficient squadrons. Despite the force reductions, the active/air reserve component manpower force mixes in the mobility and combat air forces will remain essentially the same percentages as they are today.
A major task is to communicate and work side by side with our military communities that are faced with the implications of a closure and realignment.
We've had success cases in the past. I was the wing commander at Richards-Gebaur Air Force Base, Mo., when it was recommended for closure. It was a difficult time, but we worked hard to take care of our people, and we were successful at that. People are the Air Force's most valuable resource, and my commitment to you is to mitigate adverse effects resulting from BRAC actions.
Our Reserve communities consider base closure a difficult process because we are Citizen Airmen. We are a vital organ to the heart of these communities. Many of you live, work and have families rooted within these communities.
The secretary of the Air Force and the chief of staff of the Air Force have committed to reinvest all Air Force Reserve manpower made available by the BRAC and force structure changes into new roles. Many of these jobs may involve doing different things, perhaps in a different place. While this is one of our toughest challenges, I want to assure you that the Air Force will make every effort to accommodate military members and civilians into new jobs, while tackling the issues of integrating new missions with new communities and providing the support necessary to help communities whose traditional way of life may be disrupted by BRAC decisions.
Maintaining critical support and good relationships with the public and our communities is essential. Our recruiting for the future Air Force depends on it, and the retention of our Citizen Airmen in each of these communities is vitally important. We must remain flexible and explain to these communities what each specific closure and realignment action is doing to improve the effectiveness of their Air Force and their military.
A primary objective of BRAC 2005 is examining and implementing opportunities for greater joint activity. With this transformation, the Reserve and Guard will continue to bring high levels of skill and experience to active bases, especially since we stay at bases longer then our active counterparts. Through BRAC, the military will be able to match facilities to forces, meet the emerging threats and challenges of a new century, and make the wisest use of limited defense dollars.
Even though BRAC will certainly impact some of our communities, the Air Force will make every effort during the course of this process to assist communities in making the transitions as smooth as possible.
We have reduced the military by more than 40 percent in the last 15 years, and in our fighter force alone, we will reduce by another 15 percent or more in the next 15 years. While our numbers have decreased, we still have excess base infrastructure. We are closing bases in order to more fully invest in the people and equipment we need in the future.
The joining of Reserve and Guard Airmen alongside active-duty members strengthens an important relationship for our war-fighting capability. I know it can be a difficult process, but we must do this to ensure that the Air Force Reserve is a vital part of the Air Force for the future.
COPYRIGHT 2005 Air Force Reserves
COPYRIGHT 2005 Gale Group