Future total force means more reserve opportunities
John A. BradleyIn the past century of ever-changing national and international demands, the Air Force has employed all of its components--active duty, Air Force Reserve, Air National Guard and civilian personnel--in transformational ways.
The Air Force is facing challenges it has never seen before. Budgetary constraints will limit replacement of inventories, infrastructure and manpower. The Air Force will make some changes to take advantage of some new technologies. This will make the Air Force a more capable and effective force in maintaining air and space superiority.
In light of these changes, the Air Force is currently re-evaluating its functional and operational constructs. This will lead to new opportunities for the Air Force Reserve, as we become more integrated in new Air Force missions.
The Air Force Reserve must also change, in some ways, to ensure we stay relevant in the future. Future Total Force is just a further extension of the way we conduct business today. It optimizes the capabilities of all the Air Force components and their members, creating a common vision among separate components.
Toward the Future Total Force vision, Air Force Reserve will test new organizational constructs to integrate every facet of Air Force operations. As a command, we must transform to maximize the capabilities that cutting-edge technology offers us. We are closely reviewing current and emerging mission areas to ensure each component's role is appropriate. We've had some great success in the Air Force with our air mobility assets, especially with our associate programs.
For the first time in Air Force Reserve history, a Reservist was installed as the commander of an active-duty Air Combat Command Predator squadron at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. I anticipate there will be more opportunities like this as the Air Force moves further down the road in the Future Total Force. The Air Force will look to move our Reserve into other Predator squadrons so our talents can be used in this important new mission area.
These new mission changes will not only increase our operational effectiveness, but should reduce reliance on involuntary mobilizations. Since the beginning of the Air Force's air expeditionary force concept, the Reserve has been there to share in the development. The Air Force uses volunteers first for a variety of peacetime, contingency and war operations. However, some missions, like major conflicts, cannot be strictly completed through volunteerism, and we need to turn to mobilizations. However, mobilizing during a steady state of operations eventually creates an unbalanced force.
Better balance is achieved with Future Total Force. By involving the Air Force Reserve in emerging missions with "reachback" capability, Airmen will be able to use new technology to conduct missions anywhere on the globe, such as flying unmanned aerial vehicles from their home stations. This should help the Air Force reduce reliance on involuntary mobilization.
Future Total Force will further the integration of air components in a way that is different from the past while continuing the Air Force's tradition of creating a more capable air and space team. The Air Force Reserve must step up to new missions; we need to be proactive; and we need to accept change. Future Total Force provides the Air Force Reserve the opportunity to continue to be an integral member of the Air Force team.
By Chief Master Sgt. Jackson A. Winsett Command Chief Master Sergeant, Air Force Reserve Command
COPYRIGHT 2005 Air Force Reserves
COPYRIGHT 2005 Gale Group